Now and then

Waking up, and stretching my aching body and taking in the breath-taking heat from the big, bold, yellowish orange Jamaican sun. Is what I did every morning for two weeks on my holiday to Jamaica at the age of 10 years old. We went to the private beach at times as early as 7:00 am, me and my once mix raced sister, who eventually looked like me in the end.  Mum and Dad were still asleep. The first day there was very tiring, due to our previous 9 hours flight from Gatwick, England. We left England at 10:00 am and arrived in the afternoon of 12:00 pm in Jamaican time. Me and my sister stayed at the beach by ourselves for about 1 hour and returned back to our hotel room to wake our parents up and go for breakfast. They were twisting and turning in the bed as we were making a racket on the balcony of our room. We got a little telling off, but what did we care? We were on holiday… holidays are for having fun not getting moaned at about rubbish. Your parents don’t want you to go on holiday and sit there and do nothing, they want you to go an enjoy yourselves, but the minute you do you’re in trouble. Finally they got their lazy bodies out of bed and huffed and puffed due to the time that we woke them up. What I could see in my surroundings were the beautiful palm trees and surrounding those palm trees were the evil little buggers of a specie…Mosquitoes! You was surrounded by the smell of tender bacon, sizzling sausages and exotic eggs and many more splendid smells. These smells swiftly collided with the hairs in my nose as if I was in heaven. You could hear the splash in the sea the excitement from kids and the cries from he not so excited babies. All I wanted to do was eat and play eat and play eat and play. Well that is all kids should want to do, if not then you aren’t a normal kid I’m sorry to say.

5 years went by and its was that time of the year again when mum and dad wanted to get away from England again and wanted to go back to sunny Sand Jamaica. This time we stayed at Gran Bahia Principe in Mantigo Bay a 5 star hotel. This time we were told that we were going to do much more exciting things due to be much older than the last time we came. This time mum took me and my now ten-year old sister and my 6 month year old sister many places. The most memorable time was going to Dolphin cove…Dolphin cove was a very exciting thrill seeking tourist site where we got to swim with the silky grey dolphins. I got to ride on the smooth belly of a dolphin and ride on its prominent nose as it tickled and massaged the soles of my foot. The water that we swam in was very salty. How do I know that? Well I had to gargle and spit salt water every time the dolphins sped past me.  This one event on my return back to Jamaica is the best so far. I did not care what I did next because I had the most exciting time there and then. Splish splash splosh went the short fins of the dolphins. I also got to kiss the dolphins fishy lips. Eug! Is what I though whilst in the action but oh well. Life goes on as my parents would say. We all have to live throught the good, bad and the ugly.






One response to “Now and then”

  1. Christopher Waugh Avatar

    An evocative representation of what must be a very beautiful place.

    30/40 [C1]
