olonius meets with his sly servant Reynaldo and tells him to go to Paris and spy on Laertes. He charges the servant to find any Danes living in Paris and to question them as to Laertes’ whereabouts and reputation. Polonius even goes so far as to give Reynaldo permission to use lies to entrap Laertes. After Reynaldo exits in pursuit of his mission, Ophelia enters and tells Polonius that she has been horrified by the Prince. Hamlet came to her in her sewing room with his jacket askew and unfastened, and wearing no hat; his stockings were filthy and unfastened, drooping at his ankles; and he was pale and trembling, looking “piteous.” Polonius diagnoses Hamlet’s condition as madness due to his love of Ophelia, brought about because Ophelia obeyed her father and spurned Hamlet’s advances. Polonius decides to take his information to the king.
Hamlet act 2 scene 1