“I can tell you now”

Getting punished for having the wrong hairstyle? Is this right? Eeerm I don’t think so. Boys in schools are now being put into referral bases and excluded for having a line in their hair. Really? If I can’t have ‘ONE’ line in my hair then why can boys dye their hair? Is that fair? If they can have a hairstyle that they want then so can I! Like where is the equality in that? A line in your hair does not mean your going to get distracted from your learning. It doesn’t mean that you are in a gang. It’s just something that someone thinks makes themselves look good.  Teachers say that it doesn’t make the school look good, but yet they are coming into school in trainers. In addition to that, thy can come in with a hairstyle that they want and they wont get to anything. If I can’t, then why can you? Having a certain hairstyle makes people feel more confident about how they are. Now why would you want to ruin someone’s happiness. People like me have been made to feel so scared in the way I should cut my hair. 1 little slip up could cause me to be either excluded or put into referral. Recently I have been made to cut my hair in a way that I would not want to. Why is this, because of the school pathetic rules and regulations. If a student came to our school and wasn’t like me and cut their hair the way they wanted to every single time, then what would the school do? Punish them every single time. Like come on that is nonsense!

Inequality takes a major role in day-to-day life in our society. Examples of inequality is when teenage boys(mainly black boys) get stopped and searched due to mainly the colour of their skin. This is an act of discrimination as well as inequality. Inequality and discrimination in this case can also be classed as a form of racism. If it was an upper class white kid walking around the street in a rather large group they would not be stopped and searched, but the black boys would. Another prime example of inequality is that people with mental health issues are overwhelmingly unemployed. Due to the fact that they have a mental issue this does not mean the you can discriminate them and make them a minority… We are all equal and shouldn’t make people feel S*** about themselves just because of their needs. In addition to that, although women are allowed to fight in the wars, they are still not allowed to fight on the front-line even though they probably would love to fight on the front-line. Many people who have also had sexual orientations have been discriminated for things such as joining an all boys school if you have changed to be a boy from a girl vice versa.

I hope that I have proved my point of discrimination.






4 responses to ““I can tell you now””

  1. Christopher Waugh Avatar

    This burst of argument is very strong in terms of the voice it contains and the clarity of the points it makes. To develop it further you’d want to explore, possibly by using more examples, the points you’re making about inequality. You could, for example, use it as a way of exploding other examples of inequality in our society – stop and search comes to mind.

    It’s currently too short to qualify for the grade it deserves

    Current grade: 24/40 [D1]

    1. oniel Avatar

      I am going to add more to this right now

  2. oniel Avatar

    i have now added the extra detail as advised
