Reading project: Spider-man graphic novel

The book/film Spider-man is set in a heroic/villan theme, containing bad and good people which falls into the category of anti hero. Anti hero is classed as a “central character in a story, film, or drama who lacks conventional heroic attributes”. Which in my language means a main character in the genre of story or film or drama who tries to be the good person but just cannot be due to the fact of  lacking the intelligence of a hero. Getting back to the book… The anti-hero side that I see in Spider-man is that he is a very good person trying to the protect the innocent. Whereas in my eyes he is also stooping to the villans levels. This makes me wonder how when  some people are trying to do good things it tuns out to being a bad thing. Spider-man goes around hurting the bad people just like the bad people are going around hurting the good people.

This all relates back to the real life society of getting revenge on the people that have hurt you or family or who you just absolutely hate. You going around hurting people just because they have done the same to others puts you in the wrong.






One response to “Reading project: Spider-man graphic novel”

  1. Christopher Waugh Avatar

    This is a good start to your reading project, Oneil. You’ve explored some aspects of anti-heroism and related these to the Spider-man character.

    To extend your thinking further – consider how the written style of the graphic novel, the setting and the tone also support the notion of an anti-hero genre. Are there any distinctive features that you want to pick up on that you may then be able to explore in relation to other texts?

